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the doctor is inside you
BlogChiropracticLafayette health and wellness

The Best Doctor is the One Inside You

Think about this: You were born into a lie about you and your body and your health! From day one, someone decided (likely with all good intentions) that you needed extra help  You “needed” vitamins, several rounds of vaccinations, antibiotics for almost any symptom. You were never in charge of your own health, and never taught to take responsibility…
Christina Alba
January 15, 2020

The Lowdown on Low Back Pain

There are many benefits of chiropractic care that aren’t well-known - like improving your immune system, enhancing sports performance, reducing allergies and asthma, lifting moods, normalizing blood pressure, reducing dependence on medication, clearing the brain for awesome thinking...OK, you get the idea. However, the most common reason people make the decision to come to our chiropractic office (and I suspect…
Christina Alba
April 3, 2019

Yuliya Huziy Success Story – Rivulet Chiropractic Lafayette, CA We are always so thrilled when we get to serve the amazing people in our community and help them achieve their health goals!! When they are courageous enough to share their story with the world, we feel truly blessed and grateful of how Chiropractic enriches lives, restores health and allows people to reach their fullest potential. We thank Yuliya…
Brian Flannery
January 13, 2019

5 Myths & Truths About Chiropractic

Time to reveal the top 5 common myths, and the truths, about chiropractic! Myth # 1: Chiropractic isn't safe. Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal issues. It’s been found that chiropractic adjustments are safer than many common activities like salon shampooing, break-dancing and star-gazing. Compared to chiropractic, research shows…
Christina Alba
November 19, 2018

The #1 Cause of Bankruptcy Is….

Quick quiz: What’s the number #1 cause of bankruptcy in the United States? Most of us think it’s mortgage costs, unpaid credit-card debt, or even college costs. The real answer is: medical bankruptcy. So, let’s break this down… Bankruptcies resulting from unpaid medical bills will affect nearly 2 million people per year. Outside of bankruptcy, about 56 million adults -…
Brian Flannery
October 2, 2018

Make Your Kid’s Health Part of Your Back-to-School Prep: 4 Top To-Dos

As you scurry around getting your kids ready for school - buying clothes and supplies, scheduling their classes and activities, organizing their tech needs - at the top of your back-to-school prep list should be: Your child’s health and wellbeing! The rest is meaningless if your child is not at their best. They can’t excel if their brain can’t do…
Christina Alba
August 27, 2018

3 Health Myths Every Invincible Man Should Know

It’s Father’s Day today -- Your turn to be celebrated, Dad, Papa, Mr. Mom, Uncle Buck, Grandpop, Big Brother, or whatever father-figure role you play for your loved ones!  We appreciate all you do, especially because we know that Dad sometimes gets neglected in the family story because it’s all about the kids and Mom. Dads are often the go-getter…
Brian Flannery
June 18, 2017

3 Quick Tips to Improve and Maintain Great Posture

It’s May -- May Day, Mother’s Day, and….Posture Awareness Month! You mean you didn’t know?? The real question is, why should you care, right? Well, the pros say that good posture is essential for good health. And I bet you’re interested in having good health. So….here are some fun facts to know and tell, and a video with some quick…
Brian Flannery
May 19, 2017

Never Too Young to Start Chiropractic Care

I love Moms, kids, families - and dogs (not relevant to my story, just sayin’ dogs rock...)! As a chiropractor and holistic wellness expert, my goal is to help people function at their highest levels. Every time I give chiropractic care to a person ‘of a certain age’ who tells me they’ve been experiencing asthma, allergies, headaches, fibromyalgia, neck and…
Brian Flannery
May 15, 2017