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Procrastination is the Thief of Health…

I just heard a statistic this morning that shocked me.  Did you know that regular use of OTC painkillers increase the incidence of high blood pressure by 200%? Appalling I know, especially because the reason you are taking those pills on a regular basis is because you have pain somewhere in your body that you aren't able to get rid…
Brian Flannery
February 29, 2016

The Top Strategies to Grow Stronger Everyday

Your loving and kind Lafayette Chiropractor, Dr. Christina Alba, often points out that every day there are only two directions we move regarding our health: we are either getting stronger or weaker. Every morning you wake up with the choice on what direction you're going to move that day.  The alarm clock goes off and you're forced to take action…
Brian Flannery
October 13, 2014